MATTHEW 11:28-30
Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. (The Message)

Formation Fridays

A Summer Teaching Series from 2022. Each week we learned about a different Spiritual Discipline and put it into practice. 

Week 1 | Developing A Rule of Life

Over the next few weeks I want to introduce the spiritual practices and habits like: silence and solitude, fasting, sabbath, prayer and scripture mediation, but this week I want to begin with the end in mind...

Week 2 | The Daily Office/Scripture Meditation

Week 2 is focused on the role of scripture meditation in the Daily Office. Click above to view the video teaching.

Week 3 | The Daily Office (cont.)

As we begin week 3 of studying spiritual practices that can deepen our faith, I want to thank you for going on this journey with me. This week will be a little different, because I just tested positive for COVID. There will not be a video, but I've put together as a continuation of our discussion last week...

Week 4 | The Daily Office/Prayer Meditation

Week 4 is focused on The Daily Office and the role meditation through prayer serves in the process of incorporating this practice into our lives. We look at the practices of praying the Psalms back to God and The Prayer of Examen. Click to download the Prayer Of Examen graphic.

Week 5 | Silence & Solitude (Part 1)

This week is an introduction to the Spiritual Practices of Silence and Solitude. This week we will talk about creating "NO WAKE" zones in our life. Click below to read more

Week 6 | Silence & Solitude (Part 2)

Henri Nouwen says, “Without solitude it is virtually impossible to live a spiritual life.” Watch this weeks video to hear how you can incorporate this practice into your life.

Week 7 | Slowing

The practice of slowing is a common thread through all of the spiritual practices. Watch to learn more about this central discipline to our faith in Jesus.

Week 8 | TBA

Week 9 | TBA

Spiritual Formation Resources

Prayer & Devotion Books

These books are intended to be used in conjunction with regular reading of the Bible...not instead of. I have found all of these books to be tremendously helpful in stirring my affections for Jesus, but nothing more so than the holy scriptures. I always reflect on and remember Charles Spurgeon's words when I see this area of my life getting out of balance: "Visit many good books, but live in the Bible."
Celtic Daily Prayer: Prayers and Readings
by The Northumbria Community

Spiritual Formation Books

There are a lot of great books out there in the "Spiritual Formations" space. Here are a few to get you started. I'll add to this list as time goes on. 
Renovation Of The Heart
 by Dallas Willard
Practicing The Presence of God 
by Brother Lawrence