Mission & Vision

Our Vision


Saturate Denton with the Gospel

After His resurrection, having “all authority in heaven and on earth,” Jesus commissioned his people to be on their way and to make him known (Matthew 28:18). He told us to make disciples by “baptizing” and “teaching” — which is to say, to advance his gospel in both distance and depth. We tell of his love, inviting others to meet him as the treasure he is. We teach of his love, journeying alongside one another to experience the fullness of life in him.

Plant Churches

The Parish Church is committed to planting churches from the very beginning. It grows from our conviction that the most effective way to spread the gospel in a region is not by having one big church, but by multiple, agile churches with a local presence. If we continue to plant churches — and we mean, healthy, Bible-saturated, gospel-centered, Christ-exalting churches — if we keep planting churches like this, will it change our country. Yes, it will.

Our Mission


Enjoy Jesus

The Bible says the greatest commandment comes from Duet. 6:5, “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.” To put it clearly, a love for God and His glory and purposes should be the motivation for everything we do. We take the enjoyment of Jesus seriously because the Bible takes the enjoyment of Jesus seriously - “delight yourself in the Lord.” By delighting ourselves in the Lord, we love and glorify Jesus, fight against sin, suffer well, etc. Every part of the Christian life is connected to our enjoyment of Jesus.

Love People

Likewise, the Bible says that the second greatest commandment comes from Lev. 19:18b, “…you shall love your neighbor as yourself…”  For us, this looks like sacrificial, generous, and compassionate love for all people.  Most Christians have felt a great desire for God to use them. There is a longing to see God flex in mighty ways. Also, most of us have sensed brokenness around us. We have seen the idols and injustice, the anxieties, and emptiness on our campuses and in our offices— and the church must be an outpost for the Kingdom of God in a broken world.

Multiply Disciples

Multiply Disciples

Lastly, Jesus gave us our marching orders in Matt. 28:19-20 - “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Our mission is clear: To see people go from unbelief to full-hearted devotion to Jesus Christ in Denton and all around the world. C.S. Lewis said, “If the Church is not making disciples, then all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons, even the Bible, are a waste of time.” We want to redeem, not waste, time by making disciples.

Our Convictions



It is exclusively through our union with Jesus Christ that we may know God, be reconciled to God, and live our lives for God. Therefore, our theology, ministry philosophy, biblical interpretation, preaching, counseling, and outreach efforts are all centered on the person and work of Jesus Christ. (Lk 24:27,44; Jn 1:1-18; 5:39,46; Gal 4:4-7; Heb 1:1-4; 2 Cor 5:14-15)

Under Authority

Jesus Christ is the head of this church, and the Bible is His revealed Word. We submit to Christ and His Word as the final authority for all aspects of life, faith, conduct, and ministry. God’s word is absolutely trustworthy, and guides all we believe and do. (Jer 9:13-16; Jn 1:1-18; Col 1:18; 1 Thess 2:13; 2 Tim 3:16-17; Heb 4:12; 2 Pet 1:16-21)

Empowered By
The Spirit

We must be empowered by the Holy Spirit to see Jesus and obey God’s Word. The Holy Spirit conforms us to the image of Christ to display God’s wisdom and glory to the world. Only the Holy Spirit can make us a Holy people. (John 14:25-26; John 15:26; John 16:5-14; Romans 8:1-17; Romans 8:26-27; 1 Corinthians 2:10-16; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; Galatians 5:16-26)

Dependent On Prayer

Prayer is our personal and corporate communion with God that expresses our trust in Him. God commands us to pray and always uses our prayers to do far more than we could ask or imagine. The prayer from the beginning of our church is this: “God, would you do something so great that no one could take credit for it but You.” (Matthew 6:5-15; Romans 8:26–28; Ephesians 3:14–4:1; Philippians 4:6–7)

Covenant Community

A covenant community is one that is based on a common confession and common devotion. Life is to be lived together in a community where people know you and you know them. We are committed to praying specifically for one another, speaking the truth in love to one another, and encouraging one another in the faith. (Acts 2:44; Eph 4:15-16; Heb 10:25; Jas 5:16)

Ethnic Harmony

Every person has inherent dignity because we are made in the image of God. Therefore, we honor every individual by being committed to the unity of all ethnicities. The church must rejoice in our God-given diversity, and the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only sufficient power for this effort. (Gen 1:27; Ps 146:9; Is 1:17; Jer 9:23-24; 22:3; Mic 6:8; Matt 25:31-46; James 2:1-7)

Equipping The Saints

Every circumstance in life is an opportunity to become more or less like Jesus. With the help of the Holy Spirit, we labor to conform to the character of Christ. Therefore, from the pulpit to the classroom, and to every missional community, we seek to equip the whole person: head, heart, and hands “for the work of ministry.” (Jn 14:26; Rom 8:26-29; 12:2; 1 Cor 9:27; Eph 4:20-24)

Living On Mission

Every believer has a calling to share the gospel and multiply disciples. Therefore, we  will devote significant spiritual and financial resources towards serving the marginalized and oppressed, defending the right to life, equipping disciples, sending missionaires, planting churches, and supporting outreach initiatives. (Matt 28:18-20; Acts 1:8; Rom 10:15; 2 Cor 8:1-7; Phil 4:15-20)